News and Update
The SIPP is comitted to its goals of furthering pain education globally. At
present we have an ongoing course on Pain medicine offered in an online+ offline
module, which aims to educate and upskill specialists to provide quality care to
their patients. Courses designed by subject experts- by the doctors, for the
Email us at [email protected] for
queries regarding the courses.
Upcoming Events
Comming Soon....

Society Of Integrated Pain And Palliative Care
A good initiative for education.
Smartpain Technology
International invites you for a Dedicated Online Fellowship Course in Oncology
Palliative Care, for training physicians, in collaboration with the Society of
Integrated Pain and Palliative care (SIPP).
By the professionals, for the
Fellowship Course is designed by experts in holistic
palliative care & Pain management and will help physicians to practice the
most rational and scientific approach with improved outcome for treating complex
palliative care cancer patients.
Who can attend: Trainees and Pain
specialists, Palliative Care Physicians, PM& R specialists, Oncologist,
Family Physicians, and Internal Medicine Physicians.
President Message
Dear Friends,
Greetings and wishing you all a happy and prosperous life
First of all I am deeply honored and want to express my immense gratitude for the support, trust and faith bestowed on me and allowing me as the Founder President of the newly formed Society of Integrated Pain and Palliative Care (SIPP).
It gives me great pleasure and a sense of responsibility to serve one of the newly formed Societies in the field of Pain and palliative Medicine and is the only society representing integration of the two specialities (Pain & Palliative Medicine) care in the world presently.
SIPP stands dedicated to set unmatched standards in the quality of Education, Patient care and Research, thereby ensuring Continuous Professional Development of all its members and helping them turning into world class professionals who are empowered to set standards of their own, in a global arena.
One of the things we lack is research and the need of the hour is to promote research. Let’s deliberate on this point and constitute a committee to start research especially in context to our needs and requirements.
I have very good and learned governing council members and also all my fellow members with whose guidance and cooperation I am sure I can achieve all.
Long Live SIPP
Secretary Message
Dear Members,
Greetings to all
First of all, let me thank you all for placing faith in me and allowing me to be a Founder Secretary of newly formed Society of Integrated Pain and Palliative Care (SIPP). I will try to stand up to your expectations and I believe with your support, we could build up SIPP as one of the most vibrant societies on an International Platform.
We will be collaborating, in near future with international societies to work together on taking this specialty forward.
While there are several small conferences, workshops, CMEs on Pain & Palliative medicine being organized across the country, we feel the time has come to bring together all those with an interest or specialization in Pain & Palliative medicine on a common platform. This society will serve as an academic forum for discussion, streamlining academic syllabus, forming uniform practicing policies and guidelines, sharing of experiences and conducting multicenter studies in pain and palliative care. The other objective of this society is to form and maintain a National Pain & Palliative care data registry.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Long live SIPP